Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Layers for Photo-driven Catalysis
报告人:汪 骋 教授
邀请人:霍峰蔚 教授
Energy transfer and light harvesting are important for photocatalysis. The sunlight energy is abundant but diffusive with a typical visible photon density of ~ 1 photon/nm2/ms, leading to a maximum photoelectron generation rate of ~ 1 ms-1 on a single molecular photosensitizer. However, many of the energy storing reactions involves multiple electrons. Green plants use an antenna system with connected chromophore arrays to capture the sunlight energy in a much larger area to support a single reaction centre. Multiple electron/hole injection becomes facile thanks to the light-harvesting network. Two-dimensional metal-organic layers (MOLs) are ideal crystalline models to mimic the light-harvesting system in nature to efficiently transfer energy to reaction centres attached to the 2D film and drive energy gaining reactions. In this talk, I will discuss the synthetic chemistry of MOLs and its functionalization to study photo-driven catalysis.
北京大学学士毕业后(2009,林建华教授,李国宝副教授)在美国北卡罗莱那大学教堂山分校获得博士学位(2013,林文斌教授),开展MOF催化研究。之后在芝加哥大学开展博士后研究,从事飞秒超快光谱(2013-2015,Greg Engel教授)。2015.07-至今在厦门大学任教授,(中央组织部重要人才计划青年项目获得者)。