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 添加时间:2013/06/26 发布: 管理员



【演讲题目】Probing Surfaces with Light



 Probing Surfaces with Light

 W. David Wei, Ph.D.

Department of Chemistry and Center for Nanostructured  Electronic Materials, University of Florida, United States, wei@chem.ufl.edu



The interaction of incident electromagnetic waves with surfaces has been extensively studied in order to better understand the surface physical and chemical properties of materials. This talk will focus on investigating the properties of two different kinds of surfaces with incident light. In the first part, we will show how to probe the electronic structures of adsorbate-substrate complexes in order to better understand chemical bonding and chemical reactions that occur on a single crystal surface. The second part will demonstrate that a certain unique optical property of metallic nanostructures can efficiently mediate surface chemical reactions and that, moreover, this unique surface optical property can be quantitatively characterized with ultrahigh spatial resolution on the surface of highlystructured nanomaterials.



Wei David Wei joined the University of Florida in August 2009 as an Assistant Professor working in Analytical, Physical, and Materials Chemistry with research interests in novel electronic and optical properties of metallic and semiconductor nanomaterials and their applications in solar energy harvesting, conversion and storage, visible light photocatalysis, chemical and biological detection, drug delivery, and cancer therapeutics. David received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin with Mike White and trained as a postdoctoral researcher at Northwestern University with Chad Mirkin. He has also held a research position at Pacific Northwest National Labs. David has more than forty publications, thirty invited talks, and five pending patents. He is a member of the American Chemical Society and American Vacuum Society and has been awarded a Summer Fellowship at PNNL, the 2010 ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, the 2011 Sigma Xi Junior Faculty Research Award, and the 2013 UF-HHMI Science for Life Distinguished Mentor Award.



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