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IEEE Fellow、浙江大学李尔平教授学术报告
 添加时间:2014/11/18 发布: 来自:stu







Increasing demand for faster information transport has driven a tremendous progress towards smaller, and faster. Plasmonic interconnects are superior to the electronic ones by virtue of their large operational bandwidth, and huge data transmission capability. An unprecedented synergy could be reached by integrating photonic, plasmonic and electronic devices into the same platform with fully exploiting the advantages of photonics, plasmonics and nanoelectronics technologies.

This presentation will talk the computational electromagnetics methods applied in the nano-photonics devices/circuits simulation and design. Using plasmonic waveguides for on-chip nanoscale optical data transmission is proposed. To optically transmit data between electronic devices, we need to develop a number of plasmonic devices, such as plasmonic sources, modulators, waveguides, switches, filters and detectors. We report a novel planar hybrid plasmonic waveguide (PHPW), which consists of a low-index stripe sandwiched between a high-index nanowire and a metallic film.

Simulation studies show that the optical power can be efficiently coupled from the plasmonic waveguide to the plasmonic detector. The extremely small active area in the detector results sub-picosecond transit-time and atto-Farad internal capacitance, implying a potential THz-bandwidth. In addition, the nanoantenna, nanocavity and detector are integrated seamlessly, leading to an ultra-compact detection structure with high photoresponsivity own to the highly concentrated optical power distribution.


Short Biography:

Dr Li received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, U.K, in 1992. He is a Principal Scientist and Director for nanophotonics and electronics with the Singapore National Research Institute of High Performance Computing. Since 2010, he also holds the appointment of Chair Professor in Zhejiang University, China. He authored or co-authored over 400 papers published in the referred international journals and conferences, and published 2 books in Wiley-IEEE press and Cambridge University press . His research interests include computational electromagnetic with applications in micro/nano-scale integrated circuits, and plasmonic nano-technology.

Dr Li is a Fellow of IEEE, and a Fellow of Electromagnetics Academy, USA. He received number of international awards. He was selected as Changjiang Chair Professor in 2006 and selected as Distinguished Professor under One Thousand Talent Program in early 2009. He  has served as  an Associate Editor for 3 IEEE Transactions /letters. He has served as general chair and Technical Program Committee Chair for over 15 prestigious international conferences. He has been invited to give over 80 invited talks and keynote speeches at various international conferences and forums.

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