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美国西北大学化学系SonBinh T. Nguyen教授来访我校并作系列报告
 添加时间:2015/09/08 发布: 管理员




9月5日至6日,应先进材料研究院副院长霍峰蔚教授邀请,美国西北大学化学系SonBinh T. Nguyen教授到我校访学,并在科技创新大楼C501室和5楼报告厅作系列学术报告。先进材料研究院等相关学科教师代表及研究生参加了学术报告会。报告会由先进材料研究院副院长霍峰蔚教授主持。

Nguyen教授的学术报告分别以“Nanocomposites of polymers and carbon-based nanofillers:  improving mechanical properties through modular, flaw-tolerant fabrication”和“From single-site catalysts and supramolecular assemblies to metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and porous organic polymer (POPs):  Bridging homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis”为主题,探讨了碳复合材料、超分子环境和多孔材料等领域的最新研究成果。他指出,超分子化学具有用于汇集协同催化位点,稳定有力的反应中心,并创建引发反应选择性架构的潜力。他们小组先前的实例包括能够催化对映选择性氧化反应,对映选择性环氧化物开环,和酰基转移反应与在传感应用的组件。

此外,Nguyen教授还以“Publishing a high-impact, scholarly scientific paper:  a short, informal process tutorial for beginning students”为主题,同与会师生分享了在科研写作方面的经验心得。报告中,Nguyen教授通过自身多年科学研究和科学出版从业的经历,鼓励青年学生战胜科研起步阶段的沮丧感和孤独感,努力在全球化的科研话语中做更好的沟通者。





SonBinh T. Nguyen received a doctoral degree in Chemistry under the directions of Profs. Robert Grubbs and Nathan Lewis at Caltech, where he was an NSF and an NDSEG predoctoral fellow.  After an NSF postdoctoral fellowship with Prof. K. Barry Sharpless at Scripps, SonBinh began his independent career at Northwestern in 1996, where he is now a Professor of Chemistry.  He is also a Senior Fellow in the technical staff at Argonne National Laboratory.  At Northwestern, he has held the Dow Research Professorship, the highly prestigious McCormick Professorship of Teaching Excellence and the Directorship of the Integrated Science Program. 

SonBinh has coauthored over 250 manuscripts, held over 30 patents, and is the recipient of many awards.  His expertise is in the broad areas of chemical synthesis, catalysis, soft material synthesis, and biologically inspired materials chemistry.  In 2014, he was named a Highly Cited Researcher by Thompson-Reuters.




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