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蔡栋宇 ▍CAI Dong-Yu
 添加时间:2017/09/05 发布: 管理员





地址: 南京市新模范马路5号(210009),南京工业大学丁家桥桥区教学楼411-1

Email: iamdycai@njtech.edu.cn



2016-至今,南京工业大学 先进材料研究院 副研究员

2012-2016,爱丁堡大学  软物质物理系  博士后

2009-2012,拉夫堡大学  材料系  博士后

2008-2009,Polyfect Solution Ltd  创办人



2005-2009,拉夫堡大学 材料系 博士

2003-2005,南京工业大学 高分子材料系 硕士

1999-2003,南京工业大学 高分子材料系 学士







研究成果在本领域的权威期刊Advanced Materials, Journal of Materials and Chemistry, Carbon, Soft Matter, Composite Science and Technology等文章20余篇, 单篇引用次数超过100的论文4篇,他引超过1000次。一项纳米复合专利技术获得了英国风投公司 (IPSO venture) 的投资实现技术孵化。






1. D. Cai, P.S. Clegg, T. Li, K.A. Rumble, J.W. Tavacoli, “Bijels formed by direct mixing”, Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 4824.

2.D.Cai and P.S. Clegg, “Stabilizing bijels using a mixture of fumed silica nanoparticles”, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 16984.

3. N.Hijnen, D. Cai and P.S. Clegg, “Bijels stabilized using rod-like particles”, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 4351-4355.

4. D.Cai,J.H.J. Thijssen and P.S.Clegg, “Making non-aqueous high internal phase emulsion: the effect of added polymer and selective drying” ACS Applied Materials and Interface, 2014, 6, 9214.  

5. D.Cai and M.Song, “Ultra-high enhancement in the toughness of polyethylene by exfoliated natural clay nanosheets” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132, 41314.

6. D.Cai and M.Song, “High performance polyurea/organoclay nanocomposites”, Composite Science and Technology, 2014,103,44-48.

7.D.Cai and M.Song, “Recent advance in functionalized graphene/polymer nanocomposites”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 7906. (review article)

8.D.Cai and M.Song, “Preparation of fully exfoliated graphite oxide nanoplatelets in organic solvents”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2007, 17, 3678.

9.D.Cai, M.Song and C.Xu, “Highly conductive carbon nanotube/graphite oxide hybrid films”, Advanced Materials, 2008, 20, 1706.

10.D.Cai, K.Yusoh and M.Song, ''The mechanical properties and morphology of a graphite oxide nanoplatelet/polyurethane composite'', Nanotechnology, 2009, 20, 085712.

11. D.Cai and M.Song, ''A simple route to enhance the interface between graphite oxide nanoplatelets and a semi-crystalline polymer for stress transfer'', Nanotechnology, 2009, 20, 315708.

12.D.Cai, J.Jin, K.Yusoh, R.Rafiq and M.Song, “High performance polyurethane/functionalized graphene nanocomposites with improved mechanical and thermal properties” Composite Science and Technology, 2012, 72, 702.

13.  D.Cai and M.Song, ''Latex technology as a simple route to improve the thermal conductivity of a carbon nanotube/polymer composite'', Carbon, 2008, 46, 2107.

14.  D.Cai and M.Song, “Water-based polyurethane filled with multi-walled carbon nanotubes prepared by a colloidal-physics method”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2007, 208, 1183.



1. M.Song and D.Cai, In Situ Polymerization of Polymer Nanocomposites, Wiley-VCH, Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA,

Weinheim, 2011, Chapter 7 : Polyurethane Nanocomposites by In-situ Polymerization Approach and Their

Properties, p168-218, ISBN: 978-3-527-32879-6.

2. M.Song and D.Cai, Polymer Graphene Nanocomposites, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (UK), 2012,

Chapter 1: Functionalization of Graphene: A Review, p1-51, ISBN:978-1-84973-679-4.



1. D.Cai, J.Jin and M.Song, International Patent WO/2009/034361

2. M.Song and D.Cai, International Patent WO/2010/106358


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