地址:南京市新模范马路5号 南京工业大学丁家桥校区
Email: iamzzlu@njtech.edu.cn
卢振中博士于黑龙江大学获得学士、硕士学位,南京大学获得化学博士学位,之后在英国曼彻斯特大学、诺丁汉大学(Martin Schröder教授课题组)从事博士后研究,2018年加入南京工业大学先进材料研究院,任研究员。研究涉及金属有机框架(MOFs)材料对CO2、C2烃类的吸附转化,圆偏振发光有机无机杂化材料,超分子识别和传感。研究成果以第一作者和通讯作者发表在Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Sci., Chem. Commun., Chem.–Eur. J., Dalton Trans., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等期刊。
1. Xu YK, Meng MM, Xi JM, Wang LF, Zhu R, Liu XG, Zhang R*, Dong W*, Lu, Z.-Z.*, Zheng HG, and Wei H, Mixed matrix membranes containing fluorescent coordination polymers for detecting Cr2O72−with high sensitivity, stability and recyclability, Dalton Trans., 50: 7944–7948, 2021.
2. Chen Y, Qian C. Qin K, Li HB, Shi X, Lu, Z.-Z.* Ma H, Qin T, Hang XC,* and Huang W* ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 52833-52839, 2021.
3. Meng MM, Xi JM, Wang LF, Zhu R, Zhang R*, Lu, Z.-Z.*, Zheng HG*, and Wei H, Metal-organic frameworks constructed from [MS4Cux]x-2 (M = W, Mo) unit: isomerization of the cluster unit induced by temperature, CrystEngComm, DOI: 10.1039/d1ce00647a, 2021.
4. Wang LF, Liu XG, Meng MM, Xu YK, Zhu R, Zhang R*, Lu, Z.-Z.*, and Wei H, Three coordination polymers built by quaternaryammonium-modified isophthalic acid, Acta Crystal C: Struct. Chem., C77: 221–226, 2021.
5. Meng MM, Xi JM, Zhu R, Wang LF, Xu YK, Liu XG, Zhang R*, and Lu, Z.-Z.*, Tubular porous coordination polymer for selective adsorption of CO2, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 132: 108789, 2021.
6. Zhang R, Huang JH, Meng DX, Ge FY, Wang LF, Xu YK, Liu XG, Meng MM, Lu, Z.-Z.*, Zheng HG*, and Huang W*, Three metal-organic framework isomers of different pore sizes for selective CO2 adsorption and isomerization studies, Dalton Trans., 49: 5618–5624, 2020.
7. Zhang R, Meng DX, Ge FY, Huang JH, Wang LF, Xu YK, Liu XG, Meng MM, Yan H, Lu, Z.-Z.*, Zheng HG*, and Huang W*, Tetrazole-Based Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks for Selective CO2 Adsorption and Isomerization Studies, Dalton Trans., 49: 2145–2150, 2020.
8. Lu, Z.-Z.; Godfrey, H.G.W.; da-Silva, I.; Cheng, Y.-Q.; ... Schröder, M.* Direct observation of supramolecular binding of light hydrocarbons in vanadium(III) and (IV) metal–organic framework materials. Chem. Sci., 9, 3401–3408, 2018.
9. Lu, Z.-Z.; Godfrey, H.G.W.; da-Silva, I.; ... Schröder, M.* Modulating supramolecular binding of carbon dioxide in a redox-active porous metal-organic framework. Nat. Commun., 8, 14212-14221, 2017.